Sunday, November 23, 2008

Questions on my head

Where do we go from here?
Are we actually going somewhere?
Is there life outside this box?

... and I mean as humans not avatars.


il lato nero said...

existential doubts?

It is frustrating to realize sometimes that our part in this world is not as big and important as we wish it was...

When i was a litle girl i wished i was a Goddess with the power to communicate with Nature.

i still sometimes think She can ear me in her various forms.

Drifting Along said...

What´s frustrating is that my role in the world is as big and important as I wished it was, but I can´t deal with it when it´s time to play it in real life.

il lato nero said...

why? is it that hard to let yourself go and be who you are?

Drifting Along said...

It's a long story...

il lato nero said...

Could be a good Blog story ;)

Drifting Along said...

It´s not. :(

il lato nero said...

porque raio estamos a comentar em inglês? ;)
Só para aliviar um pouco a tensão...
Melhores dias virão... dias mais iluminados que o de hoje foi muito cinzento.
Deita tudo para fora. Se não no blog, com amigos, se é demasiado delicado para falares com os amigos, fala com bichos. Eu falo muitas vezes, e ajuda.
Melhor ainda... transforma tudo numa ilustração das tuas!